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This website is a sample of many styles and works done over time.

Experimenting in different styles and mediums have kept the creative process alive.

While the abstract works were a much freer form of expression, I always seem to come back to painting people, incorporating art history and symbols. The eco-artworks were a series created turning plastic bags into works of art.

Painting (abstraction)
Abstraction is a way of working from a place of freedom, exploration and energy in color and texture. Each painting is a journey in movement and breath through transparent layers of pigment. A dance between the natural and inner world.

Illustration (realism)
Works that reference any of the following: what I've seen/experienced, world events, cultural, personal or art history.

Plastic (transformed)
Crocheted plastic works exemplify my belief in sustainable reuse - walk softly upon the earth. Plastic bags, a by-product of our "throw away" society, are turned into ritualistic objects.

Lisa Aksen